Monday, February 21, 2011

Update on Foreclosure Mediation-Its Now a Paper Tiger

Legislators like to beat their chests and show they are doing good for the public, but when they compromise, their boasts about the tiger they are unleashing on behalf of their constituents end up being a tiger made out of paper mache.  This is just a quick note on some updates for foreclosure mediation bills, HB 1362 and SB 5275.  Both bills were referred to their respective Ways & Means committees.  The real issue is that what was submitted to the Ways & Means committees were substitute bills (SB 5272 Substitute Bill) and not the bills that I went to Olympia to fight for last month.  Certain provisions have been gutted and substituted, one important item that got the axe was the in person negotiator.  HB 1362 under new subsection (f) says "a person who is authorized to modify the loan obligation or reach an alternative resolution to foreclosure on behalf of the beneficiary may participate by telephone or video conference, so long as a representative of the beneficiary is at the meeting in person." (SB 5275 subsection (e)). During the hearings last month, the banking industry, represented by one of the big downtown law firms, made the argument several times that the person most suited for making the modification doesn't exist within the state boundaries and it would be too much trouble to put that person in front of an underwater homeowner.  I hate that argument, I hate the compromise.

In one of my posts last year, Hi Ebb, I'm Flow, I discussed the dehumanization of the banking experience being one of the factors that has lead to this crisis in our collective history.  The banks wanted nothing more than analytics in determining the risk of a loan, when one of the most important factors of determining risk is the ability of the local banker to work with people that he knew in his community.  The banks moved from that model almost completely and substituted computer programs that were easily fooled by inflated numbers and defeated by crummy underwriting standards.  The foreclosure mediation bills explicitly put decision makers in the room with the homeowner, correcting a dishonorable banking practice of the last decade.  The banks have done their best to keep that decision maker out of that room and now you have a Skype call to get answers with some lackey sitting in the corner listening to the conversation.  If my court can drag your butt into the court room because you have sufficient contacts with my state, why can't my legislators do the same thing to save a home.  The person is coming here on the bank's dime, not the taxpayer's.

The other gutless act of our state legislators was the removal of a provision which would make it an act of bad faith on the part of the bank to not offer a modification if the net present value of the modification was greater than what the bank could anticipate receiving in foreclosure.  Simply put, was the price tag on the modification bigger than the foreclosure?  If it is, do the mod, if not, then do the foreclosure.  That was an aspect of subsection 11(f) of the original bill, but new section 11 completely removed that obligation.  The Washington State Real Property Bar had issued a letter (and no, I didn't get a copy either) stating that the provision, in the committee's opinion violated the constitution by interfering with private contract.  I think that is an overblown argument because a majority of DOTs explicitly make themselves subject to the changes in the Deed of Trust Act in the state and from an economic position, the only way that not making that deal makes sense is if there are other payments coming to the bank which are not being made public knowledge.  Sorry for the conspiracy theory, but the banks are getting its back scratched somewhere which is altering the economics of these transactions.  I wish I had more information but the FOIA requests are turning up squat.

There is a scheduled Senate Hearing on the 24th at 1:30 pm in the Senate Committee on Ways&Means which I am trying to see if I can attend.  Hopefully, I can get some more answers for you.  The new bill is pretty much a paper tiger at this time but there are likely a couple of footfalls there for the banks which can be beneficial to my clients.

1 comment:

  1. So,what is a loan modification? It is a way to get better terms for your current mortgage. Bringing it to an affordable level so you can stay in your home.
